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My Sweet Adopted Plan B Child--Running Free |
I heard an adult adoptee say once “let’s face it, nobody
comes into adoption because that was their first choice”. I don’t know about “nobody” but I think that’s
probably generally true for the majority of adoptive parents. We are here because this was Plan B, and Plan
A failed. Heck, it might have even been
Plan C or D! This particular quote came
from a girl who was a little bit bitter about all she had been through, and even
though she had great adoptive parents, there was something in knowing that she
was Plan B that bothered her. I’ve
pondered on that statement many times, and wondered how to keep D from
feeling that way. But, as I have thought
more about it, I have wondered how many times our Plan A didn’t work out and
that whatever came as a result of having to rethink our plans was actually
better than our Plan A would have ever been.
Let’s think about high school crushes we just knew we wanted to marry,
or how many times we changed majors in college, or how many jobs we had before
we found something we liked, or how often you spent way too much money on
something you just had to have, only to find it was not nearly as fulfilling as
anticipated. I’ve heard so many stories
of people who suffered some great difficulty, only to find that it was the very
thing that propelled them to greatness.
My father wound up with a combination of horrible dehydration and a
double kidney infection this summer that left him practically passed out on his
bedroom floor in the middle of the night, after having vomited everywhere. And yet, in diagnosing his kidney infections,
the doctor found a cancerous mass in his lung.
He just had surgery in which everything was successfully removed and no
signs of spreading because it was caught so early. We are thanking God right now for that
horrible round of infections. I remember
seeing an interview with Richard Dreyfuss about how he was afraid this stupid
movie he was in was going to end his career.
It was Jaws. Lance Armstrong became even more competitive
after his bout with cancer. His body
experienced changes that ultimately made him a better athlete. And perhaps mentally, he was so much tougher
having fought that battle. Whatever it
was, the combination paid off in a way that had not happened before the
cancer. There is story after story of
incidences in which the thing we so desperately wanted faded off into the
sunset and surprisingly left an opportunity for something better.
I won’t say that adoption is better than birthing a
child. I would still jump at the chance
to be pregnant and have that wonderful experience. But I don’t pine away for it like I used to
do. Age has blessed me with the ability
to look back on my life and acknowledge that I have learned some fabulous
lessons from experiences I would never have wished upon myself. I have come to know amazing people because I
was forced to. I have had my eyes opened
to new possibilities, and also just to the idea of having them open. I have learned to pay attention to the people
and things and opportunities that grace my pathway, and just assume that I have
something to gain by taking a closer look.
Years of fertility treatment brought grief and many tear-filled nights. But it also brought knowledge and compassion I
have been able to share with others going through the same thing. Adoption has caused me to ponder what it is
that really makes a family, and what I’m willing to go through to have my own,
Plan B or otherwise. Maybe the “B”
stands for blessing, or better, or beneficial or brave. Or maybe it just stands for best, because
that’s what it’s been for us.
Oh Susan, I loved this post! You are so wise - plan B does stand for best when we open ourselves up to learning what our experiences are supposed to teach us. Thank you so much for candidly opening up your heart in these posts - I have enjoyed reading them! Much love!